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Raise Your Energy Awareness This October

Posted On: September 30, 2019

Celebrate National Energy Awareness Month all October by doing these steps around your home to ensure its as energy efficient as possible!

Be Your Own Auditor

A simple audit can help you determine how much energy your home uses, where your home is losing energy, and which problem areas you should prioritize to make your home more efficient and comfortable. Analyzing past bills to get an idea of your average consumption and making changes to become more energy efficient can possibly save you up to 30 percent on your energy bill.

Lock Leaks Out

Wherever air seeps out of your house, dollars go along with it. Check windows, doors, lighting and plumbing fixtures, switches and electrical outlets for leaks and seal them with caulk or weather-stripping.

Get Smart About Your Thermostat

A programmable thermostat not only gives you more control over your energy usage, but also prevents unnecessary usage by setting the temperature 10-15 degrees lower when you aren’t home, saving you even more.

Begin to See the (LED) Light

If you haven’t made the switch to LED from incandescent bulbs, allow me to shed some savings light on your situation: you would need 42 incandescent bulbs to equal the power of one LED bulb. Making the switch will save you plenty of time and money over the long haul.