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Your More Efficient Home This Energy Efficiency Day

Posted On: October 1, 2019

Energy Efficiency Day is October 2, but every day is a great day to make our homes more energy efficient. Conserving energy provides significant benefits for the environment, savings in your pocket and reduced stress on the electrical grid.
Luckily, reducing energy consumption is something that anyone can do. Try one or more of these quick, low-cost tips to increase your home’s energy efficiency today.
Use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFLs)

Making the switch to fluorescent light bulbs is a simple and low-cost way to increase energy efficiency. While the upfront costs of fluorescent light bulbs are higher than incandescent bulbs, the decrease in energy use will save you more money over time. In addition, fluorescent bulbs can last up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs and use 25-35% less energy.

Switch Off Unused Electronics  

Idle electronics like toasters, printers, computers and coffee makers consume power. Unplugging gadgets when they’re not in use can actually save you money and dramatically decrease your energy use over time.

Install a Smart Thermostat

When you install a smart thermostat in your home, it truly becomes your home’s partner in energy efficiency! Many can be programmed to turn off or reduce heat when you’re away, but they also learn your usage patterns to offer weekly schedules, let you know when to change filters and recognize HVAC issues. Plus, they can save you up to $400 per year!

These inexpensive tips can be the difference in saving hundreds of dollars per year and you doing your part in protecting the environment. Future generations will thank you!